

The synergistic effects of omega-3 fatty acids against 5-fluorouracil-induced mucosal impairment in mice.

Sebe M, Tsutsumi R, Yamaguchi S, Horikawa YT, Harada N, Oyama T, Kakuta N, Tanaka K, Tsutsumi YM, Nakaya Y, Sakaue H.
BMC Nutrition 2: 2-17, 2016

Effects of oral carbohydrate with amino acid solution on the metabolic status of patients in the preoperative period: a randomized, prospective clinical trial

Rie Tsutsumi, Nami Kakuta, Takako Kadota, Takuro Oyama, Katsuyoshi Kume, Eisuke Hamaguchi, Noriko Niki, Katsuya Tanaka, Yasuo M. Tsutsumi
J Anesth 30:842-849, 2016

"Anesthetic Management of a Patient with Unruptured Sinus of Valsalva Aneurysm with Unruptured Sinus of Valsalva Aneurysm with Right Ventricular Outflow Tract Obstruction"

Naoji Mita, Shinji Kawahito, Tomohiro Soga, Toshiko Katayama, Narutomo Wakamatsu, Tomiya Kawahara, Nami Kakuta, Eisuke Hamaguchi, Yasuo M Tsutsumi, Katsuya Tanaka, Kazumi Takaishi, Hiroshi Kitahata
循環制御 第37巻 第3号 2016 P195-198

Effects of oral carbohydrate with amino acid solution on the metabolic status of patients in the preoperative period: a randomized, prospective clinical trial.

Tsutsumi R, Kakuta N, Kadota T, Oyama T, Kume K, Hamaguchi E, Niki N, Tanaka K, Tsutsumi YM.
J Anesth in press

Plasma substance P concentrations in patients undergoing general anesthesia: an objective marker associated with postoperative nausea and vomiting.

Kadota T, Kakuta N, Horikawa YT, Tsutsumi R, Oyama T, Tanaka K, Tsutsumi YM.
JA Clinical Reports 2: 9 2016

Effects of a novel method of anesthesia combining propofol and volatile anesthesia on the incidence of postoperative nausea and vomiting in patients undergoing laparoscopic gynecological surgery.

Kawano H, Ohshita N, Katome K, Kadota T, Kinoshita M, Matsuoka Y, Tsutsumi YM, Kawahito S, Tanaka K, Oshita S.
Braz J Anesthesiol 66:12-18 2016

Isoflurane-induced postconditioning via mitochondrial calcium-activated potassium channels.

Kinoshita M, Tsutsumi YM, Fukuta K, Kasai A, Tanaka K.
J Med Invest 63: 80-84 2016

General anesthesia of a Japanese infant with Barber-Say syndrome: a case report.

Hamaguchi E, Tsutsumi YM, Kume K, Sakai Y, Kakuta N, Uemura Y, Kawahito S, Tanaka K.
JA Clinical Reports 2: 11 2016



大下修弘、堤 保夫、角田奈美、百田義弘、井本逸勢、田中克哉
麻酔 65(10): 1058-60, 2016


循環制御 37(3). 181-184, 2016


麻酔 2016:65:495-502


臨床麻酔 40(4):573-581, 2016


日本臨床麻酔学会誌 36(4): 491-493, 2016


日本臨床麻酔学会誌 36(4) : 464-467,2016


第6章 各科手術での使用
4 胸部(呼吸器)外科手術 -HPV・重症筋無力症―

川西良典、堤 保夫、田中克哉
編集:日本臨床麻酔学会 稲垣喜三、齋藤洋司
106-110 頁2016.10.15 発行 ライフメディコム

第7章 特殊病態や特殊状態下での使用
2 喘息患者・COPD

堤 保夫、川西良典、田中克哉
編集:日本臨床麻酔学会 稲垣喜三、齋藤洋司
152-154 頁2016.10.15 発行 ライフメディコム

麻酔科 クリニカルクエスチョン 101
Chapter 3 麻酔全般
Q25 揮発性吸入麻酔薬の心筋保護作用(プレ、ポストコンディショニング)とはどのようなものか?

編集 稲田英一
56-58頁 2016年5月30日 発行 ISBN978-4-7878-2218-5 診断と治療社